

Two week before last (Apr. 10),  My wife and I went to her home. Her home is in Chiba prefecture. 
It was clear day. We started insemination of the corn.  The name of variety is "Gold Rush". I want to see those corn get a good crop, however, this year, It's not blessed with good weather. 

The field scale is 25a. we made two duo. One  sets seed, then another cover with soil.

Next, we  poured water on baby rice plants.Many Japanese farmers buy it from JA, because of not only homogeneous, but also part-time farmers. In any case, it require great care!!

I explain the procedure. At the beginning,  we water the cover. The cover composed of three papers, watering prevent it from blowing away.


Next, we watered the baby rice plants. They planted two week ago.

At the end, we put manure on rice.

Total time required is about three hours. My parents in-laws do every day until May. And, this activity continues long long time from ancestors' age.  A wooden bucket is one of the trace.

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 私が所属するNPO法人中山間地域フォーラムのシンポジウムが7月10日(土)にオンラインで開催されます。 タイトルは「 新たな農村政策を問う ~農村発イノベーションは広がるか 」です。  基本計画が新しくなり、新しい農村政策に関する有識者の提言もなされました。現場の新しい活動と、...